It can be very frustrating when you find out that somebody is using your phone number on their Snapchat account. Also, they can create other accounts for a whole variety of reasons. If someone is using your contact information, then they will be doing so intentionally, and this will not be an accident.
If a person is using your mobile number for their Snapchat, then this means that they have access to any account affiliated with that number. This could mean that your cell number is compromised, as is your account. Also, that can be very dangerous, as a person can pretend to be you, impersonate you, or simply post bizarre or incriminating content that others will assume to be you.
Additionally, people will view this account and assume it is you, and you are not in control of what they post, who they add, or what they say, which can be very dangerous for your reputation and people’s opinions of you.
Signs that your Snapchat is compromised
There are telltale signs that your Snapchat account or phone number has been compromised, these include regular sign-outs on your account. Usually, the app keeps a user logged in for a very long time, or at least until the app is rebooted or a new phone is set up. If you find yourself regularly logged out of Snapchat, then this is a sign that your account has been compromised and that you need to lock down your account.
Another sign is unusual activity on your Snap app. If people are receiving messages that aren’t sent from you or you are having stories appear that you didn’t post, this is another sign that your account has been compromised and somebody else has access.
If you look at your saved Snapchat memories and see that there are photos on the camera roll that don’t belong to you, this is a sign that somebody else has access to your account and is regularly using it.
If your account or contact number is compromised, then it is crucial that you do something about it and don’t just brush it off, as this can be detrimental to your reputation and people’s opinions of you.
What to do?
If somebody has used your number for their Snapchat account, then there are various ways that you can put a stop to this. By putting a stop to this, you guarantee the safety of your own account and that they can no longer use your information on their account.
You can search Snapchat by phone number if you add them as a contact on your device. This will allow you to find the user that is attached to that, which means that you can find their name.
To do that, open the app, and then click on the plus button to add new friends:
Now, just in front of the ‘Quick Add’ option, you will see ‘All Contacts’. Tap on that to follow the next steps.
The app will ask for your permission to import the contact list onto their servers.
After that, it will search for the accounts linked to those numbers on the phone.
Once you know their account, you can add it, send them a message, and ask them to kindly remove your mobile number from their account. If this doesn’t work, you can report their account for using your details without permission.
By reporting their account, you can try to set up a new account and turn on validation so that you need to be sent a text to confirm usage of the app. Only you can verify this, unless someone else has regular access to your phone.
You can create an account on the app and register your number with the account. But you can only have one account associated with one cell number. Therefore, it is important to create an account and associate it with it. Also, you can verify this by having it send a text to your phone.
Other tips
That ensures that it is definitely your phone, and it therefore overrides any other accounts associated with your telephone number and ensures that you have exclusive access. This is because you will have verified your account through it, which the other account cannot do unless they have your phone in order to have a verification text sent to it, and they can verify their account this way.
If somebody has your phone number saved in their contacts, then they can add the Snapchat account affiliated with it, and they will assume that it is you that they are adding. This is dangerous because a person can then easily impersonate you and act in ways which you would never act and they could potentially cause trouble.
This is why it is so important that you disconnect any other accounts affiliated with your contact details. That can cause confusion and other potential problems if they either impersonate you or post controversial content that people believe to be you.
Once you have sorted out the issue of somebody else has set up a Snap account in your cell number, it is important that you take steps to protect your account to ensure that this does not happen again.
Reasons why a person might use your number
People may use your contact number on social media for a variety of reasons, One reason they may use it is that it was in use by somebody else before you had it, and they signed up for Snapchat with it previously. This is quite a common reason that your number is already linked to someone else’s Snapchat. Another common reason is that somebody has intentionally signed up with your details; this could be because they don’t want to use their own contact options or they want to pretend to be you.
This is quite common, with a lot of people pretending to be others in order to stir or make it appear as though you have said things that you haven’t. Also, that can be quite toxic and land you with people thinking that you have said things that you haven’t.
Whatever the reason is, it is important that you make sure that you rectify this as soon as you possibly can in order to ensure there is damage limitation and that nothing bad happens as a result of them using your cell phone number.
How to ensure nothing happens again
In order to ensure that nobody uses your details again, it is important that you assign an account to your phone number with multiple-step verification on it so that nobody else can access it. This means that you will have to verify yourself in order to access it, meaning that nobody else will be able to have access to it.
By assigning your main contact method to an account, this stops anybody else from registering it on another account, as that can only be assigned to one account.
By ensuring that you keep your phone on you or password-protect it, nobody can create an account and assign your number to it, as they cannot get on your phone in order to verify it being assigned to the account.
While only people that you know or trust usually have access to your phone, people still cannot be trusted. Therefore, putting a private password on your phone is a great way to stop somebody from using your contact number without permission.
It is important to note that sometimes a message preview comes up. So a person might only need to glance at your phone in order to get the code that they need to verify an account with your number. With this in mind, it is important that you turn off message preview on your phone so a person cannot simply glance at your phone and get the code that they need in order to add your number to their social media account.
How somebody uses your contact number
When creating a Snapchat account, you add a phone number, and you need to verify this by having a text sent to it. Also, a person can use that if they have it at the time the code is sent, and they can verify that the contact method is connected to their account.
A person cannot simply sign up with your information and create an account; they have to verify it with your phone. So if they do not have access to your phone, you are safe from people using your mobile number on Snapchat.
People can have access to your cell number and use it for their Snapchat account if they either used it before you or have had access to your phone. But there are ways to prevent this by either asking them to remove it or by verifying a new account associated with that. This is easy to do and important to do, as you don’t want anybody else to be able to impersonate you.
Comments 1
someone is using my phone number and posting on my schools story, pretending to be me, even though i don’t have snap chat and have never had an account