Why do guys cheat on their pretty girlfriends?

Why Do Guys Cheat On Their Pretty Girlfriends?

Stephanie MillerRelationship Advice Leave a Comment

The question might sound shallow to many. However, being pretty can intimidate men sometimes. It can even drive them to cheat. To clear up any misunderstandings, this article will not blame the girlfriend or justify infidelity in any way. On the contrary, that is a decision taken by an adult. It has everything to do with the deceitful partner. 

Being beautiful does not guarantee having a faithful partner. It does not matter how hot you are. If your boyfriend decides to cheat, he will cheat. However, in the mind of an unfaithful guy, sometimes looks can play a role. Being in a relationship with an attractive girlfriend can increase the sense of insecurity for some men. It can make them feel inferior or threatened. There may not be a logical reason behind these negative feelings. Still, they can push a partner to betray him.

Sense of adventure

Yes, some guys can be emotionally immature like that. Instead of discussing with his girlfriend why the romance is gone. He chooses to play on your back to add a sense of excitement to his life. For these types of guys, cheating is an adventure. Being with someone new offers them an escape from boredom or other issues they face in the relationship. 

For your partner, the affair feels more comfortable yet thrilling. There, he does not need to talk about his emotions. There is no drama. Usually, there are no strings attached. Even the risk of getting caught can add to the sense of excitement for some men. However, after a while, indulging in such behavior will not feel as adventurous as it used to. So, he will either look for a new affair or realize he needs to face his problems.

Seeking attention

Nobody likes to feel neglected or not appreciated enough. If the girlfriend has a busy life or just does not prioritize the relationship, the man might feel inadequate. This does not justify what they do. The boyfriend can simply choose to have a deep conversation with his partner. Being faithless will not fix anything. On the contrary, it usually makes things worse.

For a man, the affair might represent an opportunity to feel seen, prioritized, and admired. He searches for the exact feelings that seem to be missing in his relationship. By cheating, the partner tries to fill the void that his partner left. Seeing himself in the eyes of someone new gives him the attention he is searching for. It gives the man the boost of ego he needs.

Lack of confidence

This is plain and simple. Being in a relationship with a bonny girl makes him feel inferior. He believes she is too good for him. This pressure starts building more and more as the relationship evolves. Every time the girlfriend receives a compliment or some attention from a guy, he feels threatened.

Many times, all these factors drive the guy to become emotionally abusive to his partner. He feels he cannot compete. So, he starts to make it his mission to break her self-esteem instead. Infidelity is a common behavior for these kinds of guys. Deeply, he might feel shame and pain about what he is doing. Instead of sharing these feelings with his partner, he turns to another woman.

Insecure men usually cheat with someone they regard as inferior to their partner. They see this other girl as someone more on their level. This takes away the pressure of always having to measure up. In addition, the attention he gets from the mistress makes him feel wanted and needed. It gives him a fake sense of regained confidence and heightened ego.  

Of course, being pretty, strong, or independent should not make any woman feel guilty. If this is too much for the guy to handle, then maybe he should not get into this relationship from the start. A woman should never downgrade herself to fit the perception or desire of her partner.


There is a misconception that guys do not have insecurities just as much as girls. This is not true at all. In fact, some men are so insecure that their egos bruise easily. In this case, he starts looking for ways to make him feel secure and strong again. An affair is usually the solution he seeks.

This takes us back to the above-mentioned point. With a beautiful woman, any insecure man will feel inferior. He will always feel that he is not enough for her. This will drive him to constantly believe that she will leave him or even do the same for him.

For these men, what they do is a defense mechanism. They think: “Maybe I should cheat on her before she cheats on me.” Even if she is faithful, he will convince himself that she will eventually do it one day. In addition, the affection he receives from other women makes him feel wanted. It provides him with the external validation he always seeks.

Revenge infidelity

Some men indulge in being players as a method of revenge. Either way, the gorgeous female has already betrayed him in some way. In all cases, he takes out his anger and jealousy in the form of infidelity. These guys think they are making a point by cheating even with an ex. They usually want to hurt their partner or make her feel less worthy.

He wants out

Not all boyfriends are strong enough to be direct about wanting to end the relationship. Some men cannot express that they have fallen out of love with their partner. So instead, they cheat as an escape or an excuse to break up with the pretty woman.

In this case, being a bad guy does not have to be a planned, conscious decision. The guy wants out but does not know how or is too afraid to just end things. So, he just continues in the relationship, physically. Most of the time, the partner is already emotionally checked out. This will drive him to search for an emotional connection somewhere else. 

Temptation is stronger

Unfortunately, not all guys are men enough to resist temptations. So, your man might not be looking for an affair. Instead, he will get pursued by another woman. Some girls stalk guys like predators, especially those who have attractive girlfriends. For them, it is like a competition. Stealing your boyfriend will make them feel prettier or superior to you in some way.

If your partner is not strong enough to resist temptations, he will cheat. It will be even easier if his friends and family are not totally against that. For them, “boys will always be boys.” Being surrounded by people who justify a man doing the wrong thing can be disastrous. Never underestimate the power of influence or peer pressure.

Narcissistic traits

Many times, what stops a man from being deceitful is not wanting to hurt his partner. He loves his girlfriend so much and does not want to put her in that situation. This does not apply to a person with narcissistic traits

As someone who literally does not even think about the feelings of others cozen will not be an issue. Narcissists just want what they want. It is as simple as that. The feelings of others are not a part of their equation. Your boyfriend does not have to be a complete narcissist to cheat. It is enough to just have some narcissistic qualities.

Once a cheater, always a cheater

This famous quote was proven to be true over and over again. In fact, being infidel for the first time is the hardest for most guys. Afterward, the decision becomes easier and easier every time. Later, it can even become difficult to say no to any opportunity to do what’s on his mind.

If the guy you are with has cheated on you, most probably he will also do that on you. People do not change easily. Still, it is not impossible for a defrauder to change. However, he must be really willing to do the work it takes to stay faithful.

Regardless of the reasons a dishonest partner presents, this is a decision that he has chosen to take. Do not let a bad boyfriend drag you into a feeling of guilt or shame. It is not your responsibility that he was unfaithful. Even if the man was not feeling happy or comfortable in the relationship. It does not justify infidelity. He could have chosen to face the problems and talk to you instead.

Deciding to end the relationship is still a better choice than infidelity. Being deceived is not easy. It can cause deep insecurities and issues with trust. The good news is, that not every guy has an affair, regardless of the common misconception. There are a lot of honest, faithful boyfriends out there. So, do not just accept the first apology and take a cheating man back. Instead, take your time and space to fully heal from the hurtful wound of cheating.

The reasons behind that do not justify the act. Do not get guilt-tripped into sharing the blame!

About the Author
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Stephanie Miller

Stephanie has graduated from the University of Colorado, and she has a PHD in strategic communication. Writing is her passion, especially for relationships and social media interactions.

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